Odoo Enterprise Resource Planning
Odoo i-Biz is a cloud ERP system that helps companies gain unprecedented real-time visibility into their business and helps automate critical financial processes.
This will help put your organization on the high-growth trajectory.
Odoo i-Biz is the only true-cloud ERP system in the market, with a wide array of features.
To help grow business in the rapidly expanding and borderless Digital Economy.
Enable businesses to go digital which includes supporting business automation, digitalization, use of data and AI and digital marketing to expand market access.
To support and complement the start-up ecosystem for business by focusing on new and upcoming market segments and creativity.
Provide business with access to the capabilities, tools, and know-how to take that digital leap. This includes facilitating new digital skills training resulting in a future-ready workforce.
We Offer Simple & Affordable Pricing Plan
One App Free
$ 0 .00
- For one app only, unlimited users
- Odoo Online
$ 13 .50
/ user / month- All apps
- Odoo Online
$ 20 .40
/ user / month- All apps
- Odoo Online / Odoo.sh** / On-premise
- Odoo Studio
- Multi-Company
- External API
One App Free
$ 0 .00
- For one app only, unlimited users
- Odoo Online
$ 16 .90
/ user / month- All apps
- Odoo Online
$ 25 .50
/ user / month- All apps
- Odoo Online / Odoo.sh** / On-premise
- Odoo Studio
- Multi-Company
- External API